Past Issues
Volume II
Issue #4 -- Spring 2003
From the mysteries of the Inaka in Japan to gypsy jazz at Birdland, Slow Trains’ spring issue brings you a beautiful blooming of poetry and talented writers focused, as always, on the transforming power of music and art.
Spring poets include Melanie Burke Zetzer, Scott Poole, Matthew Gleckman, Laura McCullough, Tracy C. Alston, Richard Denner, Joanne Detore-Nakamura, Arlene Ang in Venice, Dorothy Bates, P.J. Nights, jj goss, Stacie Barry, and Slow Trains’ angel, Robert Gibbons, telling us how it snows a bit differently in New York City, along with his "Splitting: Planned Improvisations", a lyrical prose poem/essay on just how it might feel to leave one’s day job for the world of writing.
In fiction, Aaron Paulson joins us once again from the Far East, along with David Quinn, Michael Cocchiarale, Carol Papenhausen, and Jamieson Wolf Villenueve. Essays from David A. Taylor, Jeff Beresford-Howe, and the Slow Trains Ten mini-interview from the fabulous new novelist, Michael Gruber, round out our spring issue.
Come visit often and don’t forget to visit the Rave On journal, with impromptu voices and poetry from around the world. In this sometimes-dark spring we can only wish peace to all of you and your loved ones, along with every human being involved in the conflicts taking place today. As Jamieson Wolf Villenueve reminds us in his new fiction, it is wise to try and remember that there is still magic in this world.
Issue #3 -- Winter 2002 - 2003
Slow Trains arrives for the solstice full of light and talent and some extraordinary fiction -- an "angel" in the swimming pool from Finland, a rendition of Fur Elise that will not stop playing, a woman who considers the possibility that people have to rebuild themselves every morning, not unlike rebooting a computer, and that loved ones can’t always be handled like literary problems...and much more. Our fiction section also basks in the glow of the new "best of the Web," anthology, "E2Ink," guest-edited by Pam Houston, with fifteen "best" selections from online lit journals, including Slow Trains. More information about the book is available front and center on our main page.
Fiction contributors for the winter issue include: Marnie Webb, David Surface, Phoebe Kate Foster, Matthew R. Gleckman, Susanna Laaksonen, Adhara Law, and Adrianna de la Rosa.
The returning light also brings us the return of Judy Bunce’s Entering the Monastery series, with fascinating journal entries on the daily challenges of Tassajara, some black widows, and the thousands of stitches she is hand-sewing on her sacred robes, to prepare for her ordination as a monk early next year.
Far from the monastery, Jamie Joy Gatto regales us with tales of gales in New Orleans, filling us in on the daring native ritual of drinking in hurricanes, and her experiences over time with the natural disasters. In other essays, Brian Peters commits the subversive act of reading the Koran, Ward Kelley shares his ideas on poetry as a kind of "reverse prayer", and Steve Silberman offers a special meditative "In Memory" piece about visiting Philip Whalen at the hospice after his death.
The "Slow Trains Ten" continues our mini-interviews with writers -- in this issue, a poet, Jennie Orvino, and a songwriter, David Gans. David is the long-time host of the "Grateful Dead Hour" radio show; Jennie is the creator of the "Make Love Not War" CD, and both of them share with us their original thoughts on writing and creativity.
On Baseball -- Jeff Beresford-Howe give us what we really need right about now, baseball as the antidote to the holiday rush, with his visit to the Mexicali Eagles. Cecilia Tan shares her childhood memories of growing up half-Asian in New Jersey, and why she never learned to play baseball there.
Our winter issue offers poetry that soars -- actually ascends in one case -- dances with nativity, tiptoes like a cat, and paints the kitchen Gucci "Butter Rum Tart".... and that’s just a beginning. We have both poetry and an interview with Emanuel Xavier, Nuyorican Cafe Grand Slam Champion and gay/Latino/Ecuadorian/revolutionary non-activist, author of the newly-released "Americano", and we have a beautifully erotic chapbook from Bill Noble, May Touch Redeem Us, which includes a consideration of just which few things love may or may not transcend.
So spend some time with us, return often for the regularly updated "Rave On" journal, and be sure to check out our new top of the page navigation bar, which will easily let readers view all seven issues of Slow Trains by category since our inaugural issue in the summer of 2001.
Issue #2 -- Fall 2002
Sixteen poets grace our pages in the fall issue with their lyrical words, from India to
South Africa to every corner of the U..S.. A cricket, a street of
flags, a watch that may or may not be better than nakedness -- these
are only a few topics addressed by our poets, who include John
Sweet, Janet Buck, P.J. Nights, Alex Stolis, John Eivaz, Robert
Gibbons, Joseph Carcel, Nilanshu Kumar Agarwal , Candy Gourlay,
Michael A. Hoerman, Daniel Sumrall, William Sovern, Ward Kelley,
Merlin Greaves, J. Marcus Weekley, and Prasenjit Maiti .
Cecilia Tan joins us in our "On Baseball" section, with an
interesting and fun tale of scalpers, fans, subterfuge, and the
riskiness of being a Yankees' fan in the bleachers at Fenway Park.
Jeff Beresford-Howe writes about Lewis in the Bush League,
and this bush league is the one found somewhere between Texas and the
White House.
Why is it that sperm don't have to go through the agony that
prospective adoptive parents do to qualify? Consider this in J.D.
Munro's touching and funny essay, Not Suitable for
Other essays in the fall issue include Brian Peters considering any
possible moment of hope in the history of slavery; Richard
Ammon's fascinating tale of what it's like to be gay in
Switzerland, and Jeff Beresford-Howe's soaring (and sometimes
crashing!) music reviews.
In fiction, new contributors Benjamin Reed, Christine Hamm, Tim
Wenzell, Ptim Callan, Chris Duncan, and Marc Estrin bring us six
tales of family, sex, sadness, childhood, and humor -- and we always
consider every one of them "the best."
Issue #1 -- Summer 2002
Slow Trains' summer issue arrives full of light and fantasy,
complete with a celebration of the colors of embroidery thread, and a
masterpiece of an ode to New York City from Robert Gibbons.
Our fiction travels from a perhaps imaginary place called Maniac
Island, to the Ever After Book Shoppe, to a blue room made just for
special new employees. Our fabulous fiction writers include: Mark
Kline , Lisa Taddeo, Diane Payne, Heather Shaw & Tim Pratt, Seonaid
Lennox, and William G. Hutchings.
Continue your travels with a train trip through "America's
Backyard," an adventure to Bangladesh, a consideration of the ethics
of drugs in baseball, and a trip back into the intense childhood of
the "horse-fly watcher." Essayists this issue include Brently
Johnson, Kate Baldus, Brian Peters, Alana Noel Voth, Jeff
Beresford-Howe, Megan Doney, and Emmitt Maxwell Furner, II.
Jumping beans, wedding cakes, colors, and a life that is not quite
perfect are among our extraordinary poems, with poets including
Robert Gibbons, Michael J. Compton, Stephen Beal, James R. Whitley,
P.J. Nights, Lisabet Sarai, Teresa White, c nolan deweese, J.D.
Heskin,and Darlene Zagata.
Our "Slow Trains Ten" feature continues with poet Scott Poole
discussing Steve Martin as an inspiration, along the complexity of
the act of beginning to write, including cold sweats, reading Sports
Illustrated, and preparing meals out of nothing but extra virgin
olive oil.
And last but not least, our first audio poetry arrives from the
fabulously sexy Jennie Orvino, performing her Main Squeeze Blues.
So join us on these long summer days -- and do stop in often to visit
the regularly updated Rave On journal, to get more information on
our just-about-to-be-released print version of Slow Trains Volume I,
and to celebrate the joy of living, like the tiny figures in Teresa
White's poem who "walk off their wedding cake into the cool green
garden of the world."
Volume I
Issue #4 -- Spring 2002
The Spring Issue of Slow Trains is in full bloom. New features in this issue include "The Slow Trains Ten," wherein we
begin to quiz interesting writers immersed in the creative life about the
things that matter, like their vices, and Yeats' thought on sex & death.
Robert Gibbons is first up, giving us inspired commentary
on dreams and poetry and music and his passions in life. Read The Slow
Trains Ten: Writers on the Creative Life.
Another new feature in this issue is our first online chapbook, the glorious
Soup Sonnets, which are "the way a gasp of excitement sounds, when
you take it easy."
New fiction includes the dream-like writing of Thaisa Frank; a tale of
Mexican beaches and love reconsidered by Marcy Sheiner; a redefined
youthful dictionary by William Dean; a woman's passion for her telescope
and the night sky by Adhara Law; and a touching rendition on growing up
female in 1960 and discovering just what it is that makes women happy,
by David-Matthew Barnes.
Essayists for this issue include Richard Ammon, Tom Sheehan, Derek Jenkins,
Marguerite Colson, Blue Wind Kami, and Diane Payne, with subjects ranging
from what it's like to by gay in Communist China, to a hospice garden,
to the
King Biscuit Blues.
In our baseball section, Jeff Beresford-Howe explains what really happens
when you stand up against the Yankees, as only a true Oakland A's fan can.
Poetry in the spring issue dances, soars, contemplates, takes a sad turn,
visits grandfather's favorite chair, and considers a cyber-sex goddess,
but never goes to hell in a handbag, as a character in P.J. Nights' poem
Poets include Steve Silberman, John Sweet (who says he "lives with his wife
and son in a hideously depressing town in upstate New York, which serves
as the backdrop for much of his work"), Karen Mandell, Robert Gibbons,
Scott Poole, Brian Turner, P.J. Nights, Janet I. Buck, and Bruce Taylor.
Slow Trains has reached the end of its first year of publication with our
4th quarterly issue, and it has been an absolute delight to work with so
talented contributors from around the globe. Be sure to take a peek at our
Contributors List, which will link you back directly to their individual
We leave you for this season with the words of one of our favorite modern
poets, who charms us each week with his "poetry newsletter," and who I'm
doesn't really want you to spend too much time on this bright spring day
worrying about the question that arises in his jazzy encyclopedic poem,
Alcaeus" --
"How will they sum up your life in a thousand years in one paragraph?"
Issue #3 -- Winter 2001 - 2002
The Winter Issue for 2001 - 2002 comes to you full of light on
this solstice, and brings our most peaceful wishes for your holiday season.
Our Winter Issue travels from Ecuador to Iowa, with great writing on
childhood, baseball, faith, the pursuit and loss of love, and a bit of an
explanation on what the crocodiles were doing during the "Hangover Sestina."
Our fabulous poets include: P.J. Nights, John Eivaz, Rebecca Lu Kiernan,
Lytton Bell, Michael K. Gause, Lawrence Schimel, Itir Toksoz, Pasquale
Capocasa, Kathryn Rantala, Tony Gruenewald, and a favorite poet who always
brings grace and light to our issues, Robert Gibbons.
With fiction from Patricia Ann McNair, Anne Tourney, Aaron Paulson, Brendan
Connell; essays from Brian Peters, Tony Leather, Marcy Sheiner, Dave Gregg,
Anthony Puccinelli, David Taylor, Judy Bunce; and music and memories from
Jeff Beresford-Howe, William Dean, and Samamtha Capps Emerson, our Winter
Issue awaits to warm and entice you.

September 11 Special Section
Issue #2 -- Fall 2001
Slow Trains presents our new fall issue with the strongest of hope
that you and yours are well and safe. We humbly offer a September
11 section, devoted to the "enduring freedom" of speech and art, and
will be adding to the voices from around the world as emotions and
recovery allows various artists to contribute.
Our fall issue travels from Pere Lachaise in Paris to Isla de
Janitzio to a zen monastery in San Francisco, with great writing that
covers the hopes and sadnesses of everyday life, along with our
writers' passions for the perfect rosetta latte in Seattle and a
woman loved too briefly and lost, possibly on purpose.
Our fabulous poets include: Richard Evans, William Sovern, Robert
Gibbons, Jessy Randall, Robert R. Cobb, Lawrence Schimel, Magdalena
Alagna, Harold Janzen, and Jon Blackstock.
On baseball: Tom Sheehan writes of The Final Summer in a way that
reaches into the truth and beauty of baseball, and longing, and was
able to bring a tear to this editor's eye more than once.
An Ongoing Journal: Judy Bunce lets us travel with her as she
forsakes her real estate career in San Francisco and makes the
decision to fully enter the San Francisco Zen Center to become a monk.
With fiction from Isabelle Carruthers, S.A. Augustine, Karl Krausbart,
James V. Emanuel, and Marlene Mason; essays from Brian Peters, Ron
Porter, Aaron Paulson, William Dean, and Sam Garcia, and finally a
swinging review of Bob Dylan's latest album from Jeff Beresford-Howe,
the fall issue of Slow Trains is jam-packed with literary delights
and awaits your arrival.
Issue #1 -- Summer 2001
Our launch issue includes some great writing, ranging from the love of music to lyrical,
prismatic, and sometimes downright funny, poems. From Pamplona to Las
Vegas, from baseball to Vietnam, with the humor of pigs in the
bedroom and envelopes that speak, the premiere issue of Slow Trains
travels into some of the most fascinating and vulnerable territories
of our lives.
Poets include: Robert Gibbons, Pasquale Capocasa, Janet I. Buck,
John Eivaz, Samantha Cruz, Christopher Locke, Gerald Forshey,
and Scott Poole.
Essays are included on gambling from Brian Weiss; on Vietnam from
Marc Levy; on the theater of time from Brian Peters, and a tribute to
Bob Dylan (as he is now) from Jeff Beresford-Howe.
In memory: John Lee Hooker, as he was to a fan, Phillip Poff.
On baseball: Oona Short takes a fine flight of fancy with Evie's
first trip to the ballpark in The Truth About Paradise.
Our fiction section includes Michael Braverman's heartbreaking
Paraphernalia; Jamie Joy Gatto's envelopes that speak directly to
a writer's paranoia; Ron Porter's memories of a French lost love, in
Mari ; a double treat from Jerry G. Erwin with Pig Heaven and
Cow Girl, where the animals are sometimes wiser, and more useful,
than humans ; Diane Payne's On Track, a poignant tale of
growing up on all sides of the tracks; and finally, a whimsical
vision of dancing with the streets.